
Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holiday. Show all posts

Ready. Set. Gift. // For Secret Santa

Most of us have been asked to participate in some sort of Secret Santa gift exchange during our lifetime.  And more than likely you’ve probably already signed up for another swap this year.  One key thing to remember when participating in a gift exchange is that it’s important to stay within the allotted budget.  So to help you out, I’ve come up with 12 gift ideas for under $25 to keep you within budget, while still offering a well-thought-out gift! Let me know if you have any additional suggestions for this gift guide.

Ready. Set. Gift. // For the Girly Girl

Buying a gift for a girly girl should be the easiest gift to buy.  Just pick out anything that is covered in either gold, pink, sequins, glitter or polka dots and you’ve got yourself an instant hit.  Here are 12 gift ideas that will have any girl sparkling with joy on Christmas Day!

one / two / three / four / five / six

Ready. Set. Gift.

It’s that time of year again, where most stores have been decked out in Christmas trimmings for over several weeks now.  Everywhere that I go, I hear Christmas music playing in the background and every channel on TV is running commercials telling all of us that it's time to buy something for the one you love this holiday season.  If you’re like me and you haven’t finished your shopping yet, then you’re definitely feeling some of the pressure to find the perfect gift. So, in an effort to help myself and anyone else over the next couple of weeks looking for some new ideas for presents, I’ve put together several holiday gift guides. Check them out below and let me know what you think. 

Happy Earth Day 2014

Happy Earth Day everyone!  I just wanted to write a quick post to remind you all to take a little time to do something good for the planet today and every other day! 

Here are 5 quick and easy ways to celebrate Earth Day:

1. Plant a tree or a garden
2. Use reusable bags
3. Pick up litter
4. Take shorter showers
5. Carpool, walk or ride a bike

Which one of these will you do? What else would you suggest? Let me know in the comments.

“In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks”
- John Muir

Moody Style: Easter Traditions

I hope that you all had a wonderful Easter weekend.  Did any of you have any special plans?  I wish that I had something planned for Easter this year, but all I ended up doing was working most of the day.  I did however make it to the first church service at 7:30am.  Where there were surprisingly tons of families with little children dressed in their Sunday best.   After seeing all of those families in church this morning, I was a little nostalgic for those Easter traditions my family had while I was growing up.

Our family traditions involved getting Easter baskets with the obligatory chocolate bunny, jelly beans and crazy colored grass, dying eggs, hunting eggs filled with chocolate foiled wrapped eggs, dressing up in fancy dresses for church and eating a family dinner together.  As my sisters and I got a little older, the traditions tapered off to just attending church and family dinners.  Now that everyone in my family is working and off doing their own thing, we barely get together for Easter anymore.

I know that things never really stay the same, but it would be nice to get some of the old traditions back.  I guess this is something that I need to work on for next Easter.  I hope you and your family enjoyed your holidays and holiday traditions.  Is Easter a big holiday for your family or do you keep it small? Let me know in the comments.

{Dress: Anthropologie First Whispering Dress
Earrings: Coach (old); Watch: Coach Boyfriend Bracelet Watch (here);
Shoes: Coach Therese Boots (old)}

Happy Fourth of July!

On this Fourth of July, please take a moment to reflect on the freedoms that 
we're all so fortunate to experience in this country every single day.

Happy Earth Day

Did you do anything special in honor of Earth Day?  Let me know in the comments.

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